As a business/executive coach, my client Dominic is part of the FocalPoint network, but launched his own business to help others develop and grow professionally. He had a standard FocalPoint website, and wanted to break away from the industry norm to stand out from his competitors.
He chose Elevate Business Coaching as his new company's name, based on his mission to help elevate individuals to the next level of success. In working with him on his logo, he wanted a mountain theme to play up on the company's name, but he also had a great love of the outdoors and hiking. I designed the logo with a mountain graphic in professional blue and gray tones.
That theme was carried onto the website's front page design where subtle elevation contour lines were used as a background pattern. On the website, Dominic wanted to focus on three types of desired clients and direct them to pages that spoke specifically to their needs. A rotating banner with a photo for each client type, as well as sizable icons that leave no question as to the client types he most wants to work with were used on the home page. In addition, I found a stock photo/illustration to add visual interest to his text about "partnering to reach new heights".
See other work I've done for Elevate Business Coaching
Elevate Business Coaching Home Page Design